Salem Coaching Centre, the best coaching Centre in Tamil Nadu for all Competitive Exams. We are providing best coaching for TNPSC Group 1, Group 2, Group 2A, Group 4, VAO, Hindu Religious Exam, Tnpsc Agricultural Officer Exam (AO), Tnpsc Assistant Agricultural Officer Exam (AAO), Horticulture exam, TRB, TET Paper 1 & 2, RRB railway exams, Group D, RRB, ALP, RRB Level 1, NTPC, RPF/RPSF Exams, TNUSRB POLICE EXAMS, Tamil Nadu police constable (PC), Taluk SI Exam, TN Forester, Forest Guard Forest watcher exams.
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General Agriculture One Liner
1. Banana initiates
flowering 9 - 12 months after Planting
2. The yellow pigment
in papaya is caricaxanthin
3. Papaya is the
richest source of vitamin A next to mango it contains 2020 IU 100 g fruit
4. King of temperate
fruit is - Apple
5. Family of apple is Rosaceae
6. Mother of all
delicious group of cultivars is - red delicious
7. The king of arid
fruit is ber
8. The commercial
propagation method off grape is - hard wood cutting
9. In India the black
soil is mostly fond in - Maharashtra
10. Red soil is mostly found in - Tamil nadu
11. The soil which is
most suitable for most crops is - sandy loam
12. Red colour in the
red soils is due to presence of various oxides of irons
13. The vertical
section of the soil showing the various layers from the surface to the
unaffected parent material is known as - soil profile.
14. The arrangement of
soil particles and their aggregate into certain defined is called - soil structure
15. Particle density of soil is also known as - True density
16. Generally the
particles density of normal soil is - 2.65 gram/cm3
17. The formula of
porosity of soil is - porosity
density Particle density
18. The certain
exchange capacity (CEC) of montmorillonite is - 60-100 me 100 gm
19. The first soil
classification system was developed by - Russion scientist Dokuchaev (1880)
20. The U.S classification system the soil orders are - 10
21. Formula of bulk
density is: wt of soil volume of solids
and pores
22. Law of minimum was
given by - Liebig (1840)
23. Top most mineral
horizon is - A horizon
24. Exchangeable
sodium 96 age is also known as soluble % age
25. The term pH was introduced by Sorensen (1909)
27. Energy exchange
elements are H & O
28. K & Na is
determined by Flame Photometer
29. Micro nutrient is
also known as - Trace element, Oligo - Element
or spurned Elements.
30. Crop logging technique used was given by - H. F. Clements
31. Metal nutrients
are - K, fe, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Cu.
32. Highly mobile
nutrients are - N,P,K.
33. Criteria of
essentiality was proposed by Arnon & Stout (1939)
34. The term fictional nutrient was proposed by - Nicholas (1961)
35. Moderate mobile
nutrient is Zn
36. FYM contains - 0.5% N, 0.2 % P205 & 0.5 % K20
37. The bulk density of normal soil is - I.33 g/cm 3
Salem Coaching Centre, the best coaching Centre in Tamil Nadu for all Competitive Exams. We are providing best coaching for TNPSC Group 1, Group 2, Group 2A, Group 4, VAO, Hindu Religious Exam, Tnpsc Agricultural Officer Exam (AO), Tnpsc Assistant Agricultural Officer Exam (AAO), Horticulture exam, TRB, TET Paper 1 & 2, RRB railway exams, Group D, RRB, ALP, RRB Level 1, NTPC, RPF/RPSF Exams, TNUSRB POLICE EXAMS, Tamil Nadu police constable (PC), Taluk SI Exam, TN Forester, Forest Guard Forest watcher exams.
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