Salem Coaching Centre, the best coaching Centre in Tamil Nadu for all Competitive Exams. We are providing best coaching for TNPSC Group 1, Group 2, Group 2A, Group 4, VAO, Hindu Religious Exam, Tnpsc Agricultural Officer Exam (AO), Tnpsc Assistant Agricultural Officer Exam (AAO), Horticulture exam, TRB, TET Paper 1 & 2, RRB railway exams, Group D, RRB, ALP, RRB Level 1, NTPC, RPF/RPSF Exams, TNUSRB POLICE EXAMS, Tamil Nadu police constable (PC), Taluk SI Exam, TN Forester, Forest Guard Forest watcher exams.
Salem Coaching Center Websites Links Given Below.
First in Agriculture
1 -First Book in Horticulture -
Fruit Growing India by agripdfs W.B.Hayes (1945)- Litchi
2- 1 st President of Horticulture
Society of India - G.S.Cheema
3 -1 st Indian Horticulture Congress
held - 2004
4 -1st Regional Fruit Research
station in UP - Sharanpur
5 -1 st Truly Anti-coagulant Rodenticide - Warfarin
6 -1 st indigenously developed
fungicide - Contaf by Rallis
7 -1 st Folic acid is found in Spinach Leaves
8 -1 st Agricultural Chemist of ICAR
- J.W.Leather
9 -1 st micronutrient discovered - Fe
10 -1 st Fertilizer used - Calcium Nitrate
11 -1 st ammonia plant was
established in 1913 by Fritz Haber and Carp Bosch (Germany)
12 -1 st soilless cultivation
introduced in Kalimpong, Darjeeling, West Bengal
13 - 1 st crop raised in Hydroponics
is Tomato cv. Pipo (19
14 -1st Biosphere Reserve in India
is Nilgiris Biosphere Reserch
15 -1st Gene Sanctuary for conservation of Citrus Spp. -Citrus Gene Sanctuary (NOKREK Biosphere Reserve) - Meghalaya
16- 1st Haploid induction was
developed by Guha and Mageshwari in 1966 - Datura
17 - 1st Successful embryo culture Cherry embryo (1993)
18 -1st Molecular marker RFLP (1980)
19 -1st concept of Genetic map was
presented by Alfred H. Sturtevant 1913
20 -1st Genetic map was published in1911 by T.H.Morgan
21 -1 st Tagged QTL in plants: fw2.2 (fruit wt in tomato).
22 -1 st Bacterial Genome Sequenced
- Haemophilus influenza
23 -1 st Multicellular Organism
Sequenced - Caenorhabditis elegans
24- 1 st Plant Sequenced - Arabidopsis thaliana.
25 - 1 st Crop Plant Sequenced - Rice
26 - 1 st Non-Grassy Plant Sequenced
– Banana
27 - 1 st Sequenced fruit - Grapes
28 -1 st Genetic Engineering Company
- GENETECH (1976)
29 -1 st Transgenic Plant - Tobacco in 1983 by Belgium Biotech Company
30-1 st Transgenic Variety - “Flavr Savr’’ (Tomato) Calgene Company - Enhanced Vase of
31 -1 st Apple orchard is 1870 by Captain lee
32 -1 st HDP - Apple - England 1960
33 -1 st Planted kiwi - Lal bagh , Bangalore
34-1 st Mango Introduction to USA (1833) from Brazil
35 - 1 st Consignment of Mango Cvs. export to Japan : Langra & chausa
36 -1 st The word “Mangifera” was
used by Bontius in 1658
37 - 1 st to Emphasize Importance of
Floral characters in mango classification - Hartless
38 - 1 st to classify varieties
based on Fruit characters, Panicle Axis colour, Pubescence on panicle and No.
of Embryo in seeds – Popenoe (1932)
39 -1 st Initiated Inter-varietal
Hybridization in mango – Burns and Prayag in 1911 at
40 - 1 st Observed Spongy tissue – G.S.Cheema & Dhani in 1934
41 - 1 st Observed Internal Fruit
Necrosis – Sant Ram in 1972
42 - 1st Observed Black Tip - Woodhouse in 1909
43 -1 st Observed Mango Malformation
– Dharbanga, Bihar by maries in 1891
44 - 1 st Country to exploit
International Trade in cashew Kernals – India
45 - 1 st Pineapple Hybrid in India – Amritha (Kew X Ripley Queen) by Pineapple Research Centre , KAU, Thrissur
Salem Coaching Centre, the best coaching Centre in Tamil Nadu for all Competitive Exams. We are providing best coaching for TNPSC Group 1, Group 2, Group 2A, Group 4, VAO, Hindu Religious Exam, Tnpsc Agricultural Officer Exam (AO), Tnpsc Assistant Agricultural Officer Exam (AAO), Horticulture exam, TRB, TET Paper 1 & 2, RRB railway exams, Group D, RRB, ALP, RRB Level 1, NTPC, RPF/RPSF Exams, TNUSRB POLICE EXAMS, Tamil Nadu police constable (PC), Taluk SI Exam, TN Forester, Forest Guard Forest watcher exams.
Salem Coaching Center Websites Links Given Below.
AO Exam
AO Exam in Tamil
AO Exam date 2022
AO Exam materials
AAO exam result 2021
AAO exam eligibility
AAO exam details
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