Salem Coaching Centre, the best coaching Centre in Tamil Nadu for all Competitive Exams. We are providing best coaching for TNPSC Group 1, Group 2, Group 2A, Group 4, VAO, Hindu Religious Exam, Tnpsc Agricultural Officer Exam (AO), Tnpsc Assistant Agricultural Officer Exam (AAO), Horticulture exam, TRB, TET Paper 1 & 2, RRB railway exams, Group D, RRB, ALP, RRB Level 1, NTPC, RPF/RPSF Exams, TNUSRB POLICE EXAMS, Tamil Nadu police constable (PC), Taluk SI Exam, TN Forester, Forest Guard Forest watcher exams.
Salem Coaching Center Websites Links Given Below.
Agriculture History
1788 - First attempt at cotton crop improvement in
Bombay province
1827 - First agricultural society at Calcutta
1864 - First model agricultural farm at Saidapet,
Tamil Nadu
1871 - Department of Agriculture created
1878 - Higher Education in Agriculture at
1880 - First Report of Famine Commission (Famine during 1876-77)
1889 - Imperial Bacteriological Laboratory, now
Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI), Pune
1893 - Second report of Famine Commission
1901 - Third report of Famine Commission
1901 - First Irrigation Commission
1902 - Introduction of large scale cultivation of
1904 - Introduction of Cambodia cotton
1905 - Imperial Agricultural Research Institute at
Pusa in Bihar
1912 - Imperial Sugarcane Breeding Station at
1926 - Royal Commission on Agriculture
1929 - Imperial (Indian) Council of Agricultural
Research at Delhi
1936 - IARI shifted to Delhi
1942 - Grow More Food Campaign
1946 - Central Rice Research Institute
1947 - Fertilizers and Chemicals, Travancore
1956 - Project for Intensification of Regional Research on Cotton, Oilseeds and Millets (PIRRCOM)
1957 - The concept of the All-India Co-ordinated
Research Project (AICRP) introduced, and the first AICRP on maize started
by Dr. B.P. Paul
1958 - Status of Deemed University accorded to
1959 - CAZRI, Jodhpur
1960 - The first State Agricultural University (SAU)
at the Pantnagar established on the pattern of the Land Grant Colleges of
the USA
1960 - Intensive Agriculture District Programme
1960 - IRRI, Philippines
1962 - IGFRI, Jhasi
1963 - National Seed Corporation
1963 - CTCRI, Trivandrum (Tuber crops)
1964 - The ICAR became the apex organization for
all the agricultural research and education in the country, with the
functions of financing and guiding research and its co-ordination
1965 - Intensive Agriculture Area Programme (IIAP)
1965 - National Demonstration Programme
1965 - All India Coordinated Rice Improvement Project, Hyderabad
1966 - Various agricultural research institutes
under the Ministry of Agriculture, placed under the purview of the
1966 - Placement of different agricultural
research institutes under the purview of ICAR
1966 - HYV Programme
1966 - Multiple Cropping Schemes
Salem Coaching Centre, the best coaching Centre in Tamil Nadu for all Competitive Exams. We are providing best coaching for TNPSC Group 1, Group 2, Group 2A, Group 4, VAO, Hindu Religious Exam, Tnpsc Agricultural Officer Exam (AO), Tnpsc Assistant Agricultural Officer Exam (AAO), Horticulture exam, TRB, TET Paper 1 & 2, RRB railway exams, Group D, RRB, ALP, RRB Level 1, NTPC, RPF/RPSF Exams, TNUSRB POLICE EXAMS, Tamil Nadu police constable (PC), Taluk SI Exam, TN Forester, Forest Guard Forest watcher exams.
SALEM - 636 OO5
PH: 9488908009; 8144760402