1) The internal process lead to Upliftment and sinking of earth surface is called?


Answer: Endogenic process


2) The external process which leads to continuous wearing down and rebuilding of and surface is called?


Answer : Exogenic process


3) The breaking and falling apart into small pieces of the rocks on earth's surface is called?


Answer : Weathering


4) The place of origin of the river is known as?


Answer : Source


5) A stream or river that flows into and joins when steam is called?


Answer : Tributary


6) Where is kutralam falls located?


Answer : Chittar in Tamil Nadu


7) As the river enters the plain with twists and turns forming large Bends known as?


Answer : Meanders


8) In Tamil Nadu where is meanders located?


Answer : Vellar near Sethiyathope  (Cuddalore)


9) Where is Meander River of Asia located?

Answer : Minor (Turkey)


10) The collection of sediments from all the distributor mouth forms?


Answer : Melta


11) A large body of ice moving slowly down a slope or valley due to gravity is called?


Answer : Glacier


12) What are the examples for valley glacier?


Answer : The Himalayas and the Alps


13) Which cirque located in Scotland?


Answer : Corrie


14) When two adjacent Cirques erode towards each other and transformed into a narrow rocky steep-sided ridge is called as?


Answer : Areas


15) The materials carried by glacier gets deposited and called as?


Answer : Glacial moraines


16) Where is Kalahari desert located?


Answer : South Africa


17) The rock which have narrow base and wider top is called?


Answer : Inselbergs


18) A large deposits of loess are found in which Country?


Answer : China


19) The northern China loess deposits are brought from the?


Answer : Gobi desert


20) A part of land adjoining or near the sea is called?


Answer : Sea coast


21) When sea arches further erodes and only the walls are left are called?


Answer : Stacks


22) Which is the longest beach in the world?


Answer : Miami Beach


22) Where is Miami Beach located?


Answer : South Florida


23) Where is Chilka lake located?


Answer : Odisha

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